Early Beginnings Chiropractic - Pregnancy, Fertility and Pediatric Care

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This concerns me and I know it concerns you, too.

It seems like you bring this issue to me more and more often…

“My OB wants to schedule my induction, but I really want to wait a few more days.”

“I tried explaining my chronic fatigue, but all my bloodwork came back normal.”

“I want to do the work to get off my blood pressure meds, but they treat it like a life sentence.”

Now, please don’t hear me wrong. This is not me bashing medical doctors! These are individuals who help people every day. However, sometimes clashes can happen when two people are approaching the same issue with different philosophies.

So today, we’re working on our communication skills by talking about a few ways to collaborate with your MD to achieve your health goals.

  • Ask questions

    • Knowing that you have permission to ask questions is the first step toward feeling safe & seen at the Dr.’s office. You can ask questions like:

      • Why do you choose to treat this condition this way?

      • What is your past experience dealing with this condition?

      • What are the global statistics concerning this procedure?

      • What are your personal statistics concerning this procedure?

      • Will the results of this test change my treatment?

  • Understand evidence-based practice

    • This is a hot buzzword that practitioners like to throw around to support their treatment protocol. However, it doesn't mean what we think it means at first glance. There are three pillars to evidence-based practice. They are scientific research, the doctor’s clinical experience, and the wishes of the patient or family. All three are equally important. If the practice does not account for your wishes, it is okay to move on and find a practitioner that will.

  • Do your homework

    • Prepare for your conversation by getting clear about your goals. While you are not required to do so, it may be helpful for a questioning MD to understand that you have a goal of wellness and you wish to pursue it a specific way.

  • Go elsewhere

    • If your wishes are disrespected, your questions unanswered, or your philosophy disregarded - don’t be afraid to find a new doc. There are many, many MDs who will happily hear you out and discuss the best care for you. Find one of them!

  • Remember the audience

    • Traditional MDs are primarily trained to treat with pharmaceuticals and surgery. These things can be lifesaving and have their proper time & place. However, if you want more information about the best alternative treatments, you have to find a different kind of expert. Integrative doctors, naturopathic doctors, chiropractors, and nutritionists are all specialists in their own areas of expertise. They are the ones to ask if you would like to seek alternative treatment.

      Visit my resources page to get in touch with professionals I trust!

I wish you all the best as you navigate this challenging situation! I’d be happy to have an open discussion with you about your health goals. Chiropractic is a powerful tool because it is focused on the nervous system - the control center for your entire body.