Testimonials & Reviews

We have a lot in common.

Our practice members used to have the same struggles: the constantly sick kid, the exhaustion before the day even begins, the twinge in your hip that just doesn’t feel right. They’re happy to tell you their stories.

Dylan - Seizure Free!

Mom reports that they first sought chiropractic care because Dylan was having seizures.

She says, "It was very stressful not knowing when seizures would happen and if he could be harmed during them." They were hoping to avoid medications.

Before chiropractic care the seizures were happening more often with less time in between episodes. After starting chiropractic care we went our longest stretch with out a seizure, one month, and then no more since!

Mom says when recommending Chiropractic care to others, "Just do it."

Kelly - Chronic Pain No More!

Kelly first came to Early Beginnings for sciatic nerve and lower back pain. She was almost unable to walk upon waking.

The first change she noticed after beginning care was feeling less stressed and more relaxed especially following adjustments. After continued care, Kelly noticed the sciatic nerve paid went away and she began to feel more and more like herself, which allowed her to get back to more normal daily activities!

Kelly reports "It’s been a huge relief to get rid of the chronic pain I was feeling and finally feeling like I can live my life again. The fear of getting up out of bed each day and wondering if I’d live the rest of my life in that much pain was extremely daunting. Having this relief is truly a godsend and I’m forever grateful to the team at Early Beginnings for being an integral part of my healing journey."

Jalen - Dizzy Vision Gone!

Jalen first sought chiropractic care for dizzy vision. This was affecting his life with everything that was involved with seeing.

Before chiropractic, Jalen tried a steroid that was prescribed by his doctor but he reports that it didn't help.

After chiropractic care, it took 3 weeks for him to notice a change in his dizzy vision.

He also reports that after adjustments his shoulder pain would go away as well and now lifting things over his head doesn't hurt every time.

When asked what Jalen would say when recommending chiropractic care to others, he reports, "I don’t know how or why it works but it does."

Sarah - A Woman Just Like You!

Sarah first came to Early Beginnings for hand and wrist pain in her dominant hand.

This was mostly affecting her at her job, where she works in a kitchen and is constantly grabbing things and using her hand for everything.

Shortly after beginning care, Sarah noticed pain relief in her whole body, not just her hand!

After continuing care for a while, Sarah says, "I noticed improved balance and feel like I don't get sick as much."

When asked how these changes have affected her, Sarah reports, "Personally, I'm not dealing with as much pain anymore. I feel like it's also helped improve my mental health in some way. I do feel like my emotions are more balanced also."



Sloane - Finding Answers!

As parents, it’s hard to watch your child struggle and not have answers. Our daughter, Sloane, is now five, but when she was just four, she started experiencing troubling symptoms that we couldn’t quite identify. Acid reflux, flare-ups, and unexplained gut issues seemed to disrupt her daily life, leading to many sleepless nights, sleep regressions, and essentially an infant sleep schedule for our four-year-old. This was simply unmanageable, and we were desperate for answers.

After endless searching, we finally discovered Early Beginnings Chiropractic. At that point, we had nearly run out of options, and I honestly didn’t consider it at first due to the distance—it’s in Cedarburg, and we live in Milwaukee. But they were the only place that could see us right away, and so we made it work. Looking back, it was truly a blessing in disguise. The team at Early Beginnings didn’t just offer us hope; they took us in right away, assessed Sloane’s unique needs, and crafted a treatment plan that made a real difference. They listened, understood, and guided us through each step.

Despite the long drive and the demands on our schedule, we committed to going three times a week. There were moments of doubt, of questioning whether the journey and the distance were worth it. But each time, we saw progress. It wasn’t a straight path, and the road had its ups and downs, but it was consistent, real progress. The care Sloane received at Early Beginnings was worth every mile and every moment.

Today, we see a different child—a child whose body isn’t in constant “fight or flight” mode, a child who recovers more quickly, and a child who can enjoy life without the same intensity of flare-ups. We still have the occasional issue, but it’s nothing like what we were facing before. Looking back on this challenging season, we feel immensely blessed to have found Early Beginnings. They were a lifeline for us, a true partner in Sloane’s healing journey, and we are deeply grateful for their expertise, kindness, and unwavering support.


Jacob - Meeting Milestones!

Mom reports Jacob was first brought to care for colic issues from being a preemie. This was affecting Jacob's sleep, feeding abilities, GI tract, and posture.

Shortly after beginning care, Mom first noticed GI improvement, less crying, and visible discomfort.

As Jacob continued care he overall became a healthier and happier baby!

Mom reports he also reached milestones quicker and his improvement overall greatly improved stress levels and worry for her and her husband as well as improved sleep for the whole family!



Stephanie - Pregnancy Ease!

"With my first pregnancy, my lower back pain was so painful, it was challenging to do daily tasks like walk my dog or go to work.

My lower back pain started early in my pregnancy and I've been warned that these ailments only get worse the farther along you are. This worried me.

I did some simple stretching exercises at home, but I wasn't getting the relief I was hoping for. Some of my girlfriends mentioned chiropractic care and encouraged me to seek out their care. Luckily, Dr. Camille specializes in helping pregnant women and are conveniently located near my work!

I have to admit, chiropractic care really frightened me, but I am glad I took the leap of faith! It took me only a few visits to have much less notable pain.

I am now 32 weeks pregnancy and have yet to experience the lower back pain that I felt at 16 weeks! I also have very occasional, minor discomfort with sleeping at night, but has rarely caused a disruptive sleep. I know this typically can worsen the farther along you are. I am truly very happy!

I look forward to my appointments! Dr. Camille is so comforting and inviting. The whole office environment is really great!"


The Rusch Family - Wellness is a Family Affair!

The Rusch family first sought out care at Early Beginnings for their daughter’s triad of allergies, eczema, and asthma. Behavior was also a concern. Their son had torticollis and plagiocephaly. For their daughter, sickness would bring about ear infections and ER visits for her breathing. For their son, milestones weren’t being met and required a helmet and physical therapy. The Rusch family tried steroids, inhalers, and topical steroids for their daughter but felt like it was a bandaid to the actual issues at play. Mom was nervous their son’s helmet wasn’t going to be enough and wasn’t fixing the root cause of his torticollis.

Shortly after beginning care at Early Beginnings, the first thing they noticed was their daughter’s behavior and sleep improved greatly! Mom says she’s always been a high sensory kid and was finally able to relax and sleep - not waking up feeling like she’s crawling out of her skin and so tense. For their son, they first noticed his head tilt seemed to get better and he was nursing well on both sides.

After continuing care for a while, the Rusch family noticed their daughter having less skin flares and everything just felt more controlled. Their son started crawling, then walking and doing all things symmetrically!

These changes have affected the Rusch family by improving the family’s overall sleep, ability to bounce back after illness, and just overall well being!


Don’t accept common as normal.

We see your everyday pain: the dull hum that you’ve accepted as part of your daily life. Join our community of patients living life the way it was designed.